How to Come Up with Custom T-Shirt Ideas

Without a doubt, custom t-shirts are an excellent way to develop brand awareness or draw attention to your Church group or organization. They also work as fun freebies to hand out potential new visitors or clients, or customers. You may even want to sell them on your website. Yet, for it to work, you don’t want to create boring, ineffective designs. Today, we are offering a few tips to keep in mind to help you develop your design:

  • Make it simple.

It can be easy to go way overboard with your ideas. While you want something creative and eye-catching, often going with the simple approach is best. Consider major brands such as Nike, which has the simple but identifiable swish, or Target with their red bullseye. If a symbol or image represents your company or organization, you may want to use that on your t-shirts if it’s easily identifiable.

  • Reference scripture.

If you are developing a t-shirt for your church group or church organization, and a particular verse in the Bible speaks to you and represents your team, you may want to use that as part of your design. Ideas can include referencing the particular book of the Bible along with the chapter and verse number (such as Psalm 23:1). Various phrases and quotes work well, so you may even create a t-shirt design that contains a few phrases of this favorite verse, such as, “The Lord is my shepherd.”

  • Design with humor in mind.

If your business or organization shows a lot of fun personality, use this opportunity to add a little bit of humor in your posts. What’s great about showing a little humor is that it speaks to people, and they are more likely to wear the shirt you’ve designed. A great example is one of our bestselling t-shirts for the Christmas holiday, “Gangsta Wrapper.” A clever play on words like this is sure to catch the attention of people.

  • Draw inspiration from your competitors.

If you are creating a custom t-shirt for your business, look to see what type of designs your competitors have made. Take a note of which ones are your favorite, and write down what exactly has caught your eye. Is it the color? The size of the design? The font? The personality expressed in the t-shirt? Even if you aren’t creating a t-shirt for a business, but rather a church group or organization, you can still get inspired by others.

Creating a custom t-shirt that does more than sit in storage can be a challenge. However, with the right approach in mind, you are sure to design one that captures clients, customers, and colleagues.

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